Native Meadow PS05

From £49.50

A traditional, subtle, long-flowering meadow that contains British native wildflowers only. This mix has been designed with the most vivid and robust native plants to demonstrate how beautiful British meadows can be.

Advice & Care

A Pictorial Meadow can be achieved by anyone, but a little knowledge will be needed to help you achieve the best results. Read our perennials how-to guide for tips on groud preparation, sowing, management and more.

Sow your seeds in September to May

Sow 2g per square metre

Sow the seed onto a sterile mulch that is clean and free of weeds

Download our Seed Brochure for detailed information about each seed mix, including plant lists, key features, recommended usage, installation and maintenance tips.


Pictorial Meadows™ perennial mixes have at least 23 different species within each mix. Check your measurements when ordering your seed to avoid waste or underestimating. They are very carefully formulated to include the species diversity within a m² and do not contain any grasses.