Classic PA01

From £7.00

Originally designed by Professor Nigel Dunnett from the University of Sheffield, Classic produces shimmering, stunning and ever-changing displays from late spring right through to mid-autumn. Rich in dainty whites, blues, pinks and reds in the early stages, this meadow turns to gorgeous autumnal colours later in the season.  

Advice & Care

A Pictorial Meadow can be achieved by anyone, but a little knowledge will be needed to help you achieve the best results. Read our annuals how-to guide for tips on groud preparation, sowing, management and more.

Sow your seeds in Spring

Sow 3g per sq metre

Sow in a weed-free, sunny spot

Download our Seed Brochure for detailed information about each seed mix, including plant lists, key features, recommended usage, installation and maintenance tips.


Check your measurements when ordering your seed to avoid waste or underestimating. Pictorial Meadows™ annual mixes are very carefully formulated to include the species diversity within a m² and contain no grasses.